Book Event
Pllek, Amsterdam
17 September 2025
Invite only!
The Amsterdam Book Event (ABE) is all about the English-language book. Nine well-known British and American publishers are coming to the Netherlands especially for this exclusive event to inspire booksellers with the best forthcoming titles from their offerings. In nine informative presentations, guests will get to see which English books are coming out next autumn and winter.
In short: the books you can't miss in the coming period and should definitely put in your shop(s)!
Besides fiction and non-fiction in all genres, various art and illustrated titles are also featured - organiser Van Ditmar finds it important to inform you as a bookseller as broadly as possible.
On this website you will find all information surrounding the book event in Amsterdam, from frequently asked questions to, of course, the agenda as soon as it is ready. The third edition of the ABE will take place on 17 September 2025.
The ABE operates with an exclusive guest list for booksellers.
Location: Pllek
Industrial, raw and laidback: Pllek is the ideal location for the Amsterdam Book Event. Located on the historic NDSM wharf on the IJ, with fantastic views of Amsterdam's skyline.